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Medical Services

If your pet needs medical assistance, you can feel confident turning to us. Our knowledgeable staff and modern facilities are equipped to handle a wide variety of medical conditions, including emergencies. Because we can perform many diagnostic procedures in-house, we can often give you immediate answers and start treating your pet faster. In some cases, your pet may require hospitalization and further diagnostic tests. Please take a look at the more detailed descriptions of medical services we offer, or call us to discuss your pet’s needs.

Dr. Vlad


Dr. Vlad Stojanovic
Small Animal Internal Medicine Specialist

Minden Animal Hospital is pleased to collaborate with Dr. Vlad. At times, our patient’s illness’ can get complicated, or may require higher level imaging such as an ultrasound to determine what is going on. Dr. Vlad works with us by providing his expert advice and skills in ultrasound to improve our patient care. He allows our clients and patients to get specialty care without having to leave the comfort of our small hometown.

For more information on Dr. Vlad, go to his website:

Laser Therapy – Benefits For Your Pet


At Minden Animal Hospital we are proud to offer your pets Therapeutic Laser treatments. This is a painless procedure using specific wavelengths of light to treat any underlying pain and inflammation. The laser therapy works on a cellular level to reduce inflammation, block pain signals and improve the body’s natural ability to heal. It can even reduce scar tissue formation during the healing process. We often use the laser to stimulate acupuncture points and improve therapy outcomes.

The therapeutic laser can be used for both acute and chronic conditions. It will speed up your pets’ recovery and also reduce to eliminate the need for medications. Most pets will see benefits in as little as 1 to 3 treatments.

Conditions that will benefit from Laser Therapy:

  • Arthritis
  • Abscesses
  • Back Injuries
  • Cystitis (inflammation in the bladder)
  • Ear Infections
  • Inflammation and Edema
  • Lick granulomas
  • Pain – Acute and Chronic
  • Post-surgery
  • Sprains, strains and bruises
  • Wound healing

Mobile Home Euthanasia


Just like any member of our family, we never want to see our pet suffer. We can examine your pet to help you understand your options, and when all other options have been explored and the decision is made to say good-bye, we’ll do our best to make the process as stress free as possible – for both you and your pet.

It is important that you and your pet are in a comfortable, private environment of your choosing. Euthanasia is a service that is available in your home, or in a location of your choosing. Sedation will be administered prior to performing the euthanasia so that your pet is at ease and free of fear. We can discuss pet cremation services and other available options.

The decision to euthanize is difficult – even if it is a gift of love to let your pet go with peace and dignity. We are here to help you through this transition, and make the process easier for you.

Flea Control


A flea problem on your pet means a flea problem in your home. Understanding the flea life cycle and methods for its control can be a daunting task. We will gladly assist you in this process. We can provide you with safe, effective flea prevention and if necessary, flea treatment. See the flea article in the Pet Health Library of our site.

Dermatology (Skin)


Skin problems are common in dogs and cats and can be caused by hormonal disorders, allergies, infections, or parasites such as fleas and mites. These issues can be particularly difficult to treat and should be addressed promptly.

We can often diagnose a skin problem by simply examining your pet. Some dermatologic diseases or conditions do require additional diagnostic procedures to ensure a correct diagnosis. Depending on your pet’s symptoms and the results of our physical exam, we may run blood work or perform a urinalysis, skin scraping, or biopsies.

Contact us if you notice your dog or cat scratching excessively or if he or she develops any bare patches, scabs, scaling, redness, inflammation, lumps, or bumps.

Pain Management and Control


We know the issue of pain management is of great concern to pet owners today. As in human medicine, we have a variety of medications available to manage your pet’s pain both before and after surgery and in the event of trauma. We would be pleased to discuss the options available to you and your pet under any of the above circumstances.

Radiology (X-rays)


When we need to figure out what’s wrong with your pet, we routinely use x-rays to help identify the cause of the problem, rule out possible problems, or provide a list of possible causes. We may also use x-rays during a wellness exam to diagnose potential problems before they become serious.

X-rays provide valuable information about a pet’s bones, gastrointestinal tract (stomach, intestines, colon), respiratory tract (lungs), heart, and genitourinary system (bladder, prostate). We use radiology alone or in conjunction with other diagnostic tools. Interpretation of radiographs requires great skill on the part of the veterinarian.

We are proud to offer digital radiology (x-rays that are captured digitally rather than on film). This state-of-the-art technology allows us to provide you with a quicker diagnosis for your pet. Plus, it uses less radiation than traditional x-rays.

To avoid a blurry image, pets need to remain completely still while an x-ray is taken. In some cases, we may need to sedate your pet or use short-acting general anesthesia.

If you have any questions about our radiology service or what to expect during your pet’s procedure, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Digital Dental Radiographs (X-rays)


Find the Iceberg in Your Pet’s Mouth

Just like an iceberg – with its mass hidden under the water, dental disease is hidden beneath the gum line. Only with dental x-rays are we fully able to evaluate the problems in your pets’ mouth.

At Minden Animal Hospital we are proud to include full-mouth digital x-rays in every dental procedure. This allows us to identify and treat all issues when your pet is under anesthetic – and send them home with a healthy and disease-free mouth.

We hear over and over again how just a few weeks after the dental procedure pets are acting years younger – playing with their toys again and have a bounce back in their step. Dental disease is painful and often goes undiagnosed and confused for an aging pet. With regular cleanings and screening with dental x-rays, we can keep the teeth in your pets’ mouth longer and ensure they stay healthy for years to come!

Dental x-rays also allow us to determine the difference between missing versus an un-erupted tooth. While under anesthetic for other procedures such as a spay or a neuter, we take the opportunity to count your pets teeth (which can be difficult to do in a bouncy puppy or a feisty kitten). If there are missing teeth, only an x-ray will tell us if it was never there or if it did not come up to the surface. Teeth that do not come up to the surface often form a dentigerous cyst – a cyst that forms in the bone around the tooth. This cyst may look like a bony cancer in the jaw to the naked eye and could require costly high-risk surgery – something that could easily be prevented by identifying and removing these un-erupted teeth at a young age.

Cardiology (Heart)


Although heart problems are found more often in older pets, these conditions can affect pets at any age. Heart disease is usually a life-threatening condition, but early diagnosis and appropriate therapy can extend your pet’s life. If caught soon enough, some forms of heart disease can be cured.

Heart disease can lead to congestive heart failure (CHF), which occurs when the heart can no longer pump blood effectively. If an animal is suffering from CHF, fluid usually accumulates in and around the lungs and sometimes in the abdomen. Congenital heart disease (animals born with a heart problem), valvular heart disease (abnormalities of the heart valves), arrhythmias (rhythm disturbances), and heartworm disease can all lead to CHF.

Call us if your pet starts breathing rapidly or coughing, loses his or her appetite, tires easily, seems weak, or has trouble exercising. We can discover many heart problems during a physical exam. Additional tests, such as an electrocardiogram (ECG), radiographs (x-rays), and ultrasounds, are usually needed to accurately identify the cause of the heart disease or failure.



It is crucial for your pet’s vision that we detect and treat glaucoma and other problems with intraocular pressure (pressure within the eye) as quickly as possible. We can test your dog or cat’s eyes for excess pressure easily and safely. The test, performed with a device called a tonometer, is not painful and does not require sedation.

If not treated immediately (within hours to days), glaucoma can cause permanent vision loss or even blindness. Pets that have suffered eye injuries should have this test performed. In addition, we recommend that breeds that are prone to developing glaucoma come in for regular measurements so we can monitor eye pressure and begin treatment before any problem becomes irreversible. Please call us to discuss whether your pet may be at higher risk for glaucoma.

Call us right away if you notice any of the following problems in either or both of your pet’s eyes: dilated (enlarged) pupils, clouding of the cornea (the normally clear outer layer of the eye), red or bloodshot eyes, one eye protruding or appearing larger than the other, squinting, or tearing. Because glaucoma is painful, your pet may react by rubbing or pawing at the eyes or rubbing his or her head against the floor or furniture more than normal.