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Pet Supplies

We carry a variety of pet supplies to provide you with a selection of safe, vet-approved pet food, supplements, treats, toys, and accessories. Feel free to ask us any questions you might have about these products.

Pet Accessories


With so many accessories available from pet stores, we know you have hundreds of options to choose from. However, not all of them are safe for pets. When you purchase accessories from us, you know they’ve been carefully selected with your pet’s safety in mind. Plus, we have the experience and expertise to help guide you toward the right choices for your pet.

We carry a variety of collars, leashes, and harnesses that are specifically designed to keep your pet safe and comfortable. Our halter devices can help you train your dog, making walks much more pleasant—without all the pulling. When you buy one of our halters, we include a “how to” lesson from a canine behavior expert.

Stop by to check out the accessories and toys in our reception area, or feel free to browse our selection during your next visit. Maybe you’ll find your pet’s new favorite toy!

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Pet Food, Supplements, and Treats


The right food can make a big difference in your pet’s health. That’s why we offer a wide variety of specialty and therapeutic diets for all lifestages and disease conditions. We also carry special supplements for general wellness and for acute and chronic disease conditions.

Are you trying to help your pet lose weight, but you’d still like to give him or her a treat occasionally? Ask about our special lower-calorie treats, which you can give your pet without any guilt.

If your pet is at risk for dental disease, we have diets, chews, and treats that can help keep his or her gums and teeth healthier by controlling plaque and tartar.

We’d be happy to recommend a diet for your pet. Veterinary consultation is required for our prescription diet foods and our supplements. Call us today to schedule an appointment to discuss your pet’s nutritional needs.

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